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VB26 PRO electric ride

6 month ago
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Electric Bike Rentaling Ride Shared Electric Mountain Bikes

VB26 PRO Sharing Electric Bike for Rental

City Commuting Ebike are becoming the standard for the delivery business, and it’s no mystery why that is.The COVID-19 outbreak nearly bumped up delivery to essential service status. One of those trends is the adoption of futuristic Electric City Cycle. Something else that makes shared ebikes so desirable for delivery services is the cost-saving. They cost less than cars or motorcycles and they’re also cheaper to run, maintain, and insure. With fuel costs constantly hiking, it’s a good thing that e-bikes don’t run on conventional fuel.

Model No.
VS26 PRO Sharing Electric Bike
Product name &
26 inch Integrative Wheel 
36V,10.4AH Upgraded Lithium-ion Power Battery
Net weight/
Gross weight
Motor power 36V, 350W in real
Battery type 36V,10.4AH Lithium-ion
Charging time 5-6hours
Range (riding distance) 50-80km
Removable Battery (Auto) Removable battery
Max speed 25 km/h (EU required)  for 75kg users
Max  load 150KG
Display LED Display to show battery, single trip and ODO
Suspension No
IP Rate IP67 for entire scooter
Wheel & Tire Solid tires
Lights Front Light
Material Aluminum-Alloy
Acceleartor Mode Pedal Assistant
Ebike's Range

All electric scooters indicate a maximum range that they can cover on a single battery charge. 
That's the furthest range in ideal conditions, but range can be impacted by several factors:
The combined weight of the rider and any luggage
The riding mode selected
The route (e.g, the type of terrain or any inclines)
Temperature and climate (e.g., cold weather will decrease the performance of the battery)
Tyre pressure
Wind speed and direction

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Gofunow Bluetooths Gps Ble Lock Smart City Sharing Ebike Electric Bike Rentaling Ride Shared EV Solution Bicycle Rental SystemGofunow Bluetooths Gps Ble Lock Smart City Sharing Ebike Electric Bike Rentaling Ride Shared EV Solution Bicycle Rental System Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Gofunow Tech Co.,Ltd.
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