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Various colors Bungee Line Customized

6 month ago
5 0
Product details

Extremely strong bearing capacity.PWC's up to 4,000 pounds. Tensile strength is 2,200poundsTruly made very well the loop is more than long enough to fit any cleat.The bungee cord is hidden inside the rope acting as a built-in damper.Two EVA foam floats protect the boat from producing friction.

Bungee Dock Lines is a high-quality product with elastic design, adjustable length, durability, ease of use, and versatility. Whether used as dock mooring cables or other ship applications, they can provide stable, safe, and reliable connections.

At the same time, we can also provide you with more customized products.

Bungee Dock Lines CustomizedVarious Colors Bungee Lines JpgBlack Bungee Lines CustomizedBungee Lines CustomizedBungee Mooring Lines Usage Scenario JpgBungee Anchor Rope Usage Scenario JpgFoam Buoy DesignExcellent Shock AbsorbingAdvantageHow To Secure Your Boat Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Santai Ideal E-Commerce Co., Ltd
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