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D588 Radio speaker

2 year ago
40 0
Product details

Multifunction bluetooth speaker am fm dab radio

DF588D  DAB+AM/ FM / NOAA/WB Radio 
USB Multi BT Solar Speaker (can hand crank power)

* DAB/FM/AM/NOAA Emergency Radio (automatic search station) 
* 14W TWS BT Speaker,dual horn,EQ,bass,stereo
* 4000mAh Power Bank,Polymer lithium battery
* Bike mounted or Hang on bag
* SOS Alarm & Thermometer 
* Powerful Flashlight for outdoor,home lighting
* Home /reading light,3 model adjustable
* Solar Panel  charge 200-250mah/hrs
* Hand Crank Manual power generate 300-400 mah/hrs
* Fast USB Charging --2Ah/5V, 3-4hrs full charged
* PX5 Waterproof, dustproof, fall-proof, 
* Military high quality material
* HD LCD panel, customizable logo 
* Multi-functional emergency supplies
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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shenzhen Ewong Technology CO.LTD
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