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screw tight machine

4 year ago
310 0
Video details
The Introduction of 6-axis Automatic Robot Screwdriver Screw Locking Machine Fully Automatic Locking Screw Machine, also known as Automatic Screw Locking Machine, Automatic Tightening Screw Machine, Automatic Screw Driving Machine, Automatic Screw Fastening Machine etc. According to the form of use, it can be divided into automatic locking screw machine, hand-held automatic locking screw machine, etc. From the process point of view, it can be divided into: turntable automatic screw locking machine, online automatic screw locking machine. 1) The turntable type can generally realize automatic feeding, and is suitable for automatic locking of combined products. It requires gaskets, nuts, products, etc., which are commonly used in heat sink Automatic Locking Screw Machines. 2) On-line screw machine, the screw machine can be installed on the customer's flow line, let the product flow through the equipment, then the product will be fixed and automatically locked. Contact Now

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Suzhou Huaweile Automation Technology Co., Ltd
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