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Sichuan Kisae sewing machine Co.,Ltd.
China 7 month
Main Products: Apparel Equipment, Sewing Machine, Automatic Sewing Equipment, Template Sewing Machine, Industrial Sewing Machine, Customizable Sewing Machine

Sichuan Kisae sewing machine Co.,Ltd.

China 7 month
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  • About us
Sichuan Chnki Industrial Co.,Ltd. is located in China's only science and technology city (Mianyang), fully invested by Zhejiang Chnki Industrial Co.,Ltd. and Sichuan Kisae Sewing Machine Co.,Ltd. with two production bases (Chnki Industrial Co.,Ltd. Park and Kisae Sewing Machine Co.,Ltd. Park), covering a total area of more than 120 acres. It is a national high-tech enterprise specializing in industrial intelligent sewing equipment, integrating research, development, production, sales and service. It mainly produces intelligent template sewing machines, high-speed computerized pattern machines, special industrial sewing machines, intelligent sewing terminal equipment, precision quilting machines, intelligent cutting machines, hot-air seam sealing sewing machine and other series of products. The products are widely used in the fields of clothing, bags, shoes processing, automo-
tive interior processing, home, home textile, new materials and so on.

At present, the company has more than 100 effective core technology patents, some patents also fill a number of domestic gaps, and participate in a number of industry standards. The company has been recognized as National High-tech Enterprise, Sichuan Enterprise Technology Center, Sichuan Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, and Mianyang Science and Technology-based Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. It is the director unit of China Sewing Machinery Industry Association and the vice president unit of Sichuan Garment (Apparel) Industry Association.

With more than 30 years of development history, CSCIC has always been adhering to the development mission of "serving the industry and making changes for the better", and insisting on the development path of independent innovation. Currently, CSCIC possesses a vibrant and energetic research and development team, and in recent years, it has developed a variety of high-efficiency and intelligent templates, which have been well received by both domestic and overseas markets. ZHONGSHOU Heavy Industry will stick to its original intention, take the responsibility of building a national brand, continue to provide customers with intelligent, efficient and reliable products, and promote and lead the high-quality development of the industry.

Sichuan Chnki Industrial Co.,Ltd., reform for the better!

Company Info

Business Type :
Product Range :
Sewing Machines
Products/Service :
Apparel Equipment, Sewing Machine, Automatic Sewing Equipment, Template Sewing Machine, Industrial Sewing Machine, Customizable Sewing Machine
Total Employees :
> 201~500
Capital (Million USS) :
Year Established :
Certificate :
CE , ISO9001
Company Address :
Mianyang, Sichuan, China
Website : Contact Now

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Sichuan Kisae sewing machine Co.,Ltd.
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